Patio Ranch Trophy Book Fallow Buck!
After Grant’s record book mouflon was safely dressed and at the taxidermist shop, we decided to take a tour around the ranch. While viewing animals in the back pasture, a very large spotted fallow buck was seen running across a large opening and through the brush. Grant decided that this would be a great opportunity to try for another trophy animal. A greater part of the day was spent stalking in the “Back Pasture” and being eluded by the old fallow. After wearing some leather off of the bottom of his shoes for a good part of the day, being in the right place at the right time paid off…a beautiful spotted fallow bull will be appreciated and admired for many years in Grant’s trophy room.
Congratulations on such a great fallow deer, Grant! Being the talented story teller that Grant naturally is, we are sure he will now have new experiences with which to “…tell a different hunting story!!”