Patio Ranch Markhor Update!
Few animals appear more majestic than a mature markhor male with a fully developed hair coat flowing around him as he runs across the land! The ability of the markhor to move over the roughest terrain with ease and grace is an awesome sight to behold. Unfortunately, hunting for the markhor in their native lands of Afghanistan and Pakistan has become very dangerous and
difficult in recent times. But, they are still available and doing well on the Patio Ranch.
Three generations of the Stumberg family have been instrumental in developing the herd of Bokharan markhor that has been on the ranch for more than 35 years. During this time, many exceptional markhor trophies have been taken, including the new #1 SCI record book markhor taken in 2006. The attached picture shows some of the markhor available on the ranch and may help some to envision their true unique qualities.
We are now booking a limited number of hunts for markhor on the Patio Ranch in the Fall 2007 and Spring 2008. We invite you to contact us now for a magnificent trophy and to add another memorable experience to your hunting life so that you can then truly “…tell a different hunting story!!”
Good hunting!