Meet The Patio Ranch Team!
Often, in a hunting operation, the end result is a trophy animal taken by a friend or client. The beautiful and majestic trophy animal is given center stage next to the hunter as their story is told. The programs that develop and produce these great trophies are recognized. However, as with any ranching operation, there are a number of people behind the scenes that help an operation run smoothly. We would like for you to meet the great team that helps the Patio Ranch in all aspects of the ranch operation and that are vital components of the hunting operation.
Wes (on right in picture) has been with the ranch since March of 2009 and has taken over the “Animal Care Specialist” position. He is responsible for the care of all animals on the ranch. This encompasses feeding, maintaining water supply, checking for condition of the animals, capture, and countless other miscellaneous tasks that are seldom recognized by those not directly involved in animal care. Wes also assists in the hunting operation.
Ray (on left in picture) has been with the ranch since October of 2010 and is responsible for general ranch maintenance. This involves maintaining and repairing fences, yards, buildings, water supply infrastructure, vehicles and any other situations that may arise involving ranch maintenance. Ray also assists Wes with the animal care and is breaking into the world of hunting.
The beautiful sheep in the middle is a Urial ram harvested by a client on a weekend hunt. Both Wes and Ray were involved and important to the success of the hunt.
The Patio Ranch prides itself in the quality and integrity of the ranch employees and sends out a great “Thank you” for a job well done. I hope that all of you may one day meet Wes and Ray as you share a hunt with us here on The Patio Ranch. The experience afforded to the ranch guests by the hard work of these two gentlemen allows that special and unique hunt to be available. So, next time a hunting story is read here on these pages, you will know the story behind the scenes that allows all of the Patio Ranch guests to “…tell a different hunting story!”
Good hunting!